Answers any questions you may have about the application of the GDPR on our services.

Regulation nᵒ 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation, is a European Union regulation that is the reference text for personal data protection. It strengthens and unifies data protection for individuals within the European Union. In our case, the data affected by the GDPR are the photographs we take and store.

Only shots where one or more people are easily recognisable are affected by the RGPD. Even though our shots are amazingly accurate, the distance and the PPE worn (especially the hard hat) mean that people cannot be accurately identified in 97% of our shots. It is therefore completely pointless and counterproductive to systematically degrade the images by blurring them.

Indoor worksite monitoring, or in small areas, can result in shots where people are likely to be clearly recognisable. As this type of site usually involves very few people, we recommend giving advance warning to any personnel likely to be working on the site, and displaying a notice informing them of the presence of our system. We supply a standard notice informing the people concerned of their rights and giving details of how to contact us for more information.

The broadcasting of a timelapse cannot contravene the RGPD, since the scrolling speed of the images de facto makes any person unrecognisable. It is only the storage of the images that can be problematic in certain very rare cases, see “Does site monitoring comply with the RGPD?

Can we photograph areas outside the worksite?

If the people are identifiable, and only if their faces are identifiable, then the RGPD effectively prohibits us from storing images of areas outside the worksite, which is why we have developed a technology that enables us to blur the areas outside the worksite on the photos. Once the site monitoring box is in place, the blurring is permanently applied to the shot as soon as it is received, so we only store the photo with the sensitive area blurred.

We have used this service for photos taken on secret defence sites in the nuclear sector, so it has been validated by the best security experts.

Our experts will advise you as soon as they have studied your request, and will provide you with a response that is compatible with the GDPR. You can then decide what you want to do, with all the necessary information at your disposal. As soon as the box has been installed, you will be able to view the photos taken by logging on to the personalised monitoring interface provided.  We can adjust or correct the blurred areas at any time, depending on the progress of your project or the environment.