Real-time construction site monitoring website​

A personalized and secure website for accessing
all your construction sites from anywhere

Our policy is to instantly back up all photos and not store anything locally for obvious security reasons. Each photo is instantly accessible on any device, be it a smartphone, tablet, or computer. This means that from 120 to 300 photos per day are instantly accessible on your interface! You can log in as an administrator, freely download photos, and effortlessly create visitor access to construction sites or the company with just a few clicks

Convenient Features for Time Savings

image d'une tablette avec l'interface de suivi

The Timeline: This is a basic Time lapse that is automatically compiled in real-time from the beginning of the construction, using one photo per day, taken at 12:30 PM, to summarize the progress in just a few seconds or minutes. It also provides a first glimpse of the future Time lapse film, allowing you to assess the opportunity, for instance, to create an intermediate film. You can also quickly review the entire construction site’s history. It’s a tool that quickly becomes essential for easily pinpointing the date of a significant event or milestone on the site.

télécharger des images depuis le site prod

Download a Photo: This function is only accessible in administrator mode, to maintain control over the distribution of your photos. Press the download button to instantly retrieve the selected original photo in 24 million pixels to your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

télécharger des images depuis le site prod
image d'un ordinateur portable avec comme exemple les paramètres utilisateur de l'interface de suivi

Multiple Admins or Visitor Modes:  When creating new access, you can choose between administrator or visitor roles. Both modes can be granted permissions to manage or view all your construction sites or only the ones you select. The visitor mode offers three levels: access to all photos, one per hour, or just one per day, and this gives you full control over your communication. At any time and on any device, you can modify or revoke authorization levels for each user.

image de la Tour eiffel

Zoom: Thanks to the quality of our photos, captured with a 24 million-pixel Nikon DSLR camera, you can zoom in on the image up to 8 times without any loss of quality! Simply hover your mouse over the area you want to see in more detail, and the zoom is automatic.

image de la Tour eiffel
image de l'interface de suivi d'un timelapse

Daily or Weekly Time Lapse: An automatic compilation of images available on the interface to ensure you don’t miss any recent activity on the construction site. The weekly mode, which assembles one image per hour over 7 days into a short video, is highly valued for kickstarting the weekly site meeting. It helps refresh everyone’s memory about the events of the past week before starting the discussions.

image de l'interface de suivi en multiscreen

Multiscreen: Access all the latest shots from your Time Lapse boxes on a single page. Convenient for time-saving and keeping a constant eye on your projects. Easy to integrate on a large screen, and great for broadcasting, for instance, in a waiting room or reception area.

image de l'interface de suivi en multiscreen
iframe de Gresivaudan et de l'intégration client dans l'interface de suivi de

The Photos on your Website: Whether through iframe or push, we offer you the best and simplest solutions to seamlessly integrate daily images onto your website. All the features available on your interface can be embedded on your site. It’s up to you to choose what you want to offer to your visitors, whether it’s all the photos, a selection, the timeline, the weekly Time lapse, and more. We will create the suitable iframe for you to insert into your website.

Here is the example of the Condorcet Campus:

capture écran du site Campus Condorcet

Voir le film