Téléphone : +33 (0) 9 72 44 11 73
Adresse :
3 Rue Nationale, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
Heures d'ouvertures :
Lundi au Vendredi : 9h - 17h
Téléphone : +33 (0) 9 72 44 11 73
Adresse :
3 Rue Nationale, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
Heures d'ouvertures :
Lundi au Vendredi : 9h - 17h
Connected site monitoring allows you to track the progress of your site(s) or project(s) remotely and in real time. Wherever you are in the world, an Internet connection lets you view the progress of your project in Super High Definition on a computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also use the timeline to track down an important event in a matter of seconds. You’ll always have immediate access to the entire photo history of your site, and the very high resolution of the images means you can zoom in to capture important details.
The “upload” photo function, in admin mode, lets you immediately share a precise, dated snapshot.
We offer you the possibility of integrating images in real time on your site, for example on the page dedicated to the construction site. You can choose to receive one image per day, or every hour, or even every image.
The life of a construction site is often punctuated by a multitude of disputes of varying degrees of importance between the various parties involved, or with the neighbors. These disputes are time-consuming and costly, and yet they can easily be reduced or even avoided.
Most of them concern dating elements: start or end of a phase or task, day of delivery of material or machinery, presence of people, bad weather, etc.
All these points can be quickly checked and certified thanks to the timeline. With all photos accessible in near-real time on the tracking interface, and access to them for at least six months after completion of the job, you can instantly find the precise time of each event. Photos act as proof, and disputes disappear.
Neighborhood disputes :
A posteriori: In the event of accusations of noise nuisance or pollution, you can, for example, prove that there is no activity on the site at the times in question, etc.
Preventive: You can defuse suspicion by enabling neighbors to follow the progress of the site.
This can be done via a personalized link, access to a dedicated page, or a QR code on the facade. Propose a non-intrusive follow-up, one shot per day, taken at 12:30 p.m. when the site is quiet, or even deserted most of the time.
Safety disputes:
In the event of an accident or incident, the photo history enables you to check that safety rules have been respected. What’s more, the timeline allows you to understand the origin of the accident, as well as the sequence of events leading up to the tragedy.
Our connected chronophotography service lets you check in real time that essential safety rules have been observed, such as the wearing of helmets and the absence of unsecured ladders. It also enables you to check afterwards that a stage has been completed on time.
Case study: For 10 months, one of our customers was working on the forecourt of a high-rise building in La Défense. On certain days, an aerial platform was present. Our customer had to pay an occupancy fee calculated on the basis of the number of days the platforms were present. At the end of the project, the managing body presented an invoice based on the fact that the gondolas had been present every day. Our service enabled our customer to prove the number of days the machines were present, and save over €100,000!
Site monitoring is a multi-faceted communication tool. It allows you to select one or more beautiful shots of your choice to include in a newsletter or press release, to share on your social networks, or to respond to requests from journalists.
It simplifies communication with your partners or service providers. By making your site tracking site available to them, in full or measured version, you prove to them that you have nothing to hide. You can easily give visitors full (all photos) or partial (one photo per hour or per day) access codes to your tracking interface, depending on the degree of involvement of each person.
To communicate more widely, we can implement our tracking screen on your site, on the page of your choice, and with the functionalities you select. In this way, you can enable buyers of your program to view the progress of the project in real time on the dedicated page of your showcase site. This access can also be made available to visitors to your site, to emphasize the transparency of your approach.
Project in progress : Le Passage – Wooden office building in Montreuil
Transparency is becoming an important criterion for buyers in all sectors of the economy. The construction and real estate industries are no exception.
Offering access to partners or customers, even if limited to one snapshot per day, is a powerful gesture that is increasingly appreciated and taken into account in purchasing decisions. It’s a differentiating and reassuring argument.
Transparency can be targeted, with limited personalized access to the tracking interface; or public: with the publication of our iframe on a page of your website; and or the display of QR codes on site fences.
Connected site monitoring lets you use the monitoring interface to track down an important phase of a project in a matter of seconds, or simply to recall the state of the site at any given moment.
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